

Pontoon is deemed to be the British version of the well-known Blackjack. In the Pontoon game a pontoon (same thing as a blackjack) and any five-card hand (not exceeding 21) pay 2 to 1. However the dealer wins on ties and there is no dealer up card. There are a few more deviations from blackjack which are useful to keep in mind before you dive into the game.


In Pontoon, player’s goal is to have a hand with points value closer to 21 points than the Dealer’s without exceeding 21 or by the Dealer’s hand going over 21 (“bust”).


8 decks are used, 52 cards each. Cards are shuffled after each round.

The value of a hand is the sum of points of each card in the hand. In Pontoon, card values are as follows:

How To Bet

To: Tip:
Select bet size Click on the selected value chip at the bottom of the table
Place your bet Click on betting field to place chip of selected value there
Increase your bet Every click on the betting field adds one chip of the selected value to existing bet
Remove your bet Choose the X-chip option and CLICK on the betting field
Play again Click NEW GAME after the game is completed to place bets differently
Repeat your bet Click REBET to place the same amount and value of bets as in the previous round

Betting Limits

Min/Max table displays minimum and maximum amount that can be placed on each betting field.


Player can bet on up to three hands, placing chips on the left, central and right betting boxes. After placing bets, click DEAL to start dealing cards. Both the Player and the Dealer are dealt two cards. Player’s cards are dealt face up, while Dealer’s are face down. In case of multiple hands, each hand will be played separately against the Dealer.

Once two cards are dealt, the Dealer checks for Pontoon.

You then have one of the following options during the game:

Note: In case of splitting a pair of Aces, only one card is drawn to each Ace. And if you draw a ten-valued card on one of the split Aces, your hand is considered a pontoon.

Dealer’s Hand

The Dealer starts playing her hand after all the player’s hands are completed. Dealer must stand if the total in her cards is less than 17 or is a Soft 17 (a hand that includes an Ace valued as “11,” for example a hand consisting of Ace+6, or Ace+2+4). Dealer must stand if the sum of her cards is hard 17 or more.

Game Outcomes

Result Payoff
Pontoon 2 to 1
Five-card trick 2 to 1
Regular win 1 to 1

Malfunction voids all plays and pays!

The Game Rules as published on this website are in English. Translations into other languages are provided as a service in good faith. In the event of ambiguity between an English version and a translation, the English version always retains priority.